tasya syafrizaCloud ComputingCloud Computing or cloud computing is the delivery of services computing (including servers, storage, databases, networks, software…Aug 26Aug 26
tasya syafrizaArtificial IntelligenceAccording to the father of Artificial Intelligence, John McCarthy, AI is a science and techniques for making intelligent machines…Aug 26Aug 26
tasya syafrizaBig DataThere are 3 main sources of big data, namely machines, humans and organizations or business people. In big data itself there are 5…Aug 26Aug 26
tasya syafrizaIndustrial RevolutionThere are four distinct industrial revolutions that have been or continue to be experienced world until now.Aug 26Aug 26
tasya syafrizaThreats from the InternetPhising : committing fraud by tricking victims with The aim is to collect the victim’s personal data. Generally action This crime is…Aug 26Aug 26
tasya syafrizaWorld Wide Web (WWW)The World Wide Web is a collection of all web pages, Web documents that can be viewed on the Internet by searching for their URL (Uniform…Aug 26Aug 26
tasya syafrizaIP AddressPublic IP Address can be accessed via the internet network, owned by devices intended for the public, such as servers, wi-fi router.Aug 25Aug 25
tasya syafrizaInternet ProtocolThe main task of IP is to send packets from source to destination based on the IP address provided in the packet header. IP provides…Aug 25Aug 25
tasya syafrizaHow the Internet Works : ProtocolsThere are protocols for sending packets between devices on a network same (Ethernet), to send packets from network to network (IP), to…Aug 25Aug 25
tasya syafrizaHow the Internet Works : PackagesInformation about the contents of the packet is known as the header and is located in front of the package so the receiving machine knows…Aug 25Aug 25